Saturday, January 29, 2005

Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm too lazyass to do the numbers at the moment, but...

Since I started on this weight loss adventure, I've lost 21 lbs. :)
I'm pretty happy about my progress (a few slight ups, but mostly downs, even through Christmas). I still don't see my loss in the mirror so much, but have definitely felt it when I put on a pair of slacks and feel comfortable, not cramped. Some slacks I can't wear any more, because they're too big. I'm finally feeling a tiny bit of difference with tops, but not much yet.
My mother's losses are smaller (6 lbs so far), but because she can't be as active as she'd like, and because she's taking meds for several different things, they are just as hard-earned. She'll never compeletly give up butter, though.