Saturday, July 14, 2007


I'm gaining instead of losing at the moment. Lately I've been having a hard time with food, and food has been winning. Very discouraging.

Monday, May 21, 2007

the first three letters of diet are d-i-e... coincidence?

A few of you know I have some issues with my weight. I've been on Weight Watchers for a couple of years now, lost 55 pounds, put back 10 of them. I still need to lose somewhere between 80 and 100 more. Right now I'm going through some serious boredom with the whole losing weight thing, after having been on a long, long plateau where I keep going back and forth with the same damn 10 pounds that don't want to go anywhere.
Still, even with that, I'm hanging in there. I feel better than I did at 273, and if I didn't stick with at least what I'm doing now, I would have gained all of it back instead of just 10 pounds. But right now I feel like "good grief, can't I just be DONE already?"--really a terrible attitude, when losing weight is something that takes much longer and is less fun than putting pounds on. And I go back and forth on exercise. When I can finally get myself to just go work out, I start feeling better, but it's so easy to find reasons not to go. So lately on my break I started walking the walking trail we have at my workplace. The weather has been lovely in the mornings lately, and by about 9:30 I'm ready to get away for about 10 minutes. The first week I hurt--a good sign I was out of shape more than I thought I was. Last week, I walked the path a bit quicker, and without the aches and pains of the previous week. Hopefully, by the end of the month I'll be ready to face the fitness center at work again, even if I have to kill my fellow exercisers who insist no session is worthwhile if they can't watch Dr. Phil, Oprah, or Judge Judy at the same time.
Meanwhile... I want some chocolate dammit!!!