Thursday, June 15, 2017

and suddenly it's 2017

So... uh, yeah. I'm sure no one noticed I wasn't posting, leaving this blog to the abandoned blog wilderness.

A lot of things happened since 2011. I bought a house. I was the best man at a Las Vegas Elvis wedding for a couple of friends. I got laid off from my job of 24 years, My mother was sick for awhile, and now she's better and still kicking at almost 89. Worked a bunch of temp jobs, and have been at my current job for 2.5 years. Broke my right arm, due to being a klutz. Fell a few more times in the past couple of years, due to being a klutz. Turned 60.

A lot of life. A lot of stress. Am now weighing 318 pounds. Sleep apnea doctor is sending me to a diet doctor. I'm not happy--I have not tried to lose weight for years, because the feelings I have about it in 2011 still apply. It's discouraging. It's futile. Pushing a boulder up a steep cliff for the rest of my life would be easier.

And yet. There is the sleep apnea. There is the high blood pressure and high cholesterol. There is the fact that walking, climbing stairs, and stooping down are damn difficult. Most of it would happen anyway--there is arthritis in the family, as well as high blood pressure. So something has to be done. Whether it's actually losing weight or figuring out how to live with it so that I can just live a life and not allow it to stop me, I have to be the one who wins, not the fat, not society and its prejudices.