Saturday, October 23, 2004

"I feel like Martha Stewart being led to prison..."

Weight last week: 273
Weight this week: 267
Lost so far: 6 lbs.

My mother has decided to join me at Weight Watchers. This will be interesting, as my mother loves food, and she can't hear very well, so she didn't understand most of what the leader (a subsitute) said. I wasn't really sure Mom would do it. She contends she doesn't eat much, and she probably doesn't, but... she loves chocolate (not as much as I do), and she loves butter. She is not going to take well to cutting down on butter.

She's been pretty nervous about doing this. "I feel like Martha Stewart being led to prison," she said as we sat down. I laughed and told her I was proud that she was taking the step. It's just too hard with only one of us doing this, and that was a problem in the past. This time, when we cook (mostly Mom cooks right now) or when we go out to eat, we'll both be on the same page. Maybe.

It's not a competition between the two of us. She has much less weight to lose than I do, but she's also less capable of activity than I am, both because of age and balance problems. So we'll see where it goes.

The hardest day this week was Thursday, when the department manager brought in Godfather's Pizza for us because we broke some sort of record. I went nuts--had three slices--but I had optional points to work with and after a week of being careful, it tasted so good! So I was shocked that I lost 6 pounds. Some was water, I'm sure, and some was from staying away from the convenience store in the building where I work, or at least buying fruit and chocolate milk instead of three candy bars every morning at break. Go me! We'll see how I'm feeling about this as time goes on.

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