Tuesday, October 19, 2004

never say diet...

I never wanted to diet again. Even though I'm 5'3" and overweight, I had no desire to mess with my body again. It wanted to be fat; fine. I had tried Weight Watchers twice before in my life, lost a great deal of weight, and then hit the dreaded plateau. You people who have tried a diet, any diet, know what I mean. The scale doesn't move anywhere for weeks and weeks, then it moves up two, then down one, then up three. And it makes no difference what the hell you eat or when, either. So I figured, fuck it. If I was going to gain weight anyway, I might as well eat what I want, when I want. So I gave up, and my weight went up, then stayed put.
And that was that for several years. Instead of yo-yo-ing and stressing out over fat, I was just going to be fat and happy and healthy. Well, the upshot is... I'm no longer healthy, according to my doctor. My blood pressure is borderline high, and my cholesterol is going through the roof. So, against my will, I'm back on the weight loss merry-go-round for one more try. My attitude the first couple of times I tried Weight Watchers was good, but naive. Maybe negative and cynical will work better this time. :p
I'm just coming off an extremely stressful time in my life. Among other things, I had sworn off love for good--again. My love life has been the only thing consistently worse than my attempts at weight loss. *bad joke alert* Wanna know how to lose 175 lbs. in a hurry? Lose your love interest. Thank you very much, ladies and germs... I'm available for weddings, conventions....
To make things even more interesting, I'm the main caretaker of my 70-something mother. We live together, and mostly we get along quite well. Indeed, I have her to thank for the name of this blog. She wants me to lose weight... and yet she doesn't. She can drive me crazy with wanting me to lose weight, and in the same breath, when I have dinner, she's always asking me "are you SURE you had enough?"
Well, yes, dammit, I'm sure. I think.

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